These weekend’s shows from Amherst were split down the middle. Phish brought a legitimate smoker on Saturday night and a bona fide snoozefest on Sunday. Coming off three special shows in Augusta, Utica, and Providence, however, these shows just didn’t elevate in the same way. The first night has plenty of engaging jamming in “Tweezer,” Disease > My Friend > Caspian > Halfway to the Moon > Boogie On,” and set-ending sequence – “Piper > Hood, YEM.” But aside from the first-set “Stash,” Sunday never really got off the ground. The old-school first set would have been fine had there been any action in the second. But there wasn’t. When a second set’s highlight is “Roggae > Taste” you know something strange is afoot at the Circle K. Another smoking “Bowie” could do nothing to salvage this long-lost second half. But the band popped right back in Manchester like nothing had happened.
10.23.2010 Mullins Center, Amherst, Massachusetts
FLAC Torrent (etree), Mp3 Torrent, Megaupload < Links

I: Meatstick, Party Time, Golgi Apparatus, Kill Devil Falls, Tweezer, Lawn Boy, Sparkle, Big Black Furry Creature from Mars, Hold Your Head Up > Love You > Hold Your Head Up, Possum, Tweezer Reprise
II: Down with Disease > My Friend, My Friend > Prince Caspian > Halfway to the Moon > Boogie On Reggae Woman > Maze, Wading in the Velvet Sea, Piper > Harry Hood, You Enjoy Myself
E: Shine a Light
Source: Schoeps mk4v> KCY> Schoeps VMS02IB + Schoeps mk41> KC5> M222> NT222> Aeta PSP-3> SD 744t
10.24.2010 Mullins Center, Amherst, Massachusetts
FLAC Torrent (etree), Mp3 Torrent, Megaupload < Links

I: AC/DC Bag, Camel Walk, The Divided Sky, Ride Captain Ride, Stash, Fee > Time Turns Elastic, Cavern, Run Like an Antelope
II: Seven Below, Wolfman’s Brother, Backwards Down the Number Line, Alaska, Free, The Lizards, Brother, Roggae > Taste, Waste, David Bowie
E: Quinn the Eskimo, Chalk Dust Torture
Source: Schoeps mk5> KCY> Schoeps VMS02IB + Schoeps mk41> KC5> M222> NT222> EAA PSP-2> SD 744t

Jam of the Weekend:
A standout, late second-set segment of Saturday night’s UMass show.
“Tweezer” 10.23.10 II – Amherst, MA (MKDevo)
.10″Camel Walk” 10.24.10 I – Amherst, MA (MKDevo)