As we pack up, hop in the car and board planes on the way to the Rocky Mountains, I figured we’d revisit the band’s legacy at Red Rocks. While I didn’t have the time to put together an entire “Tour Stop” post on the legendary venue while packing and preparing, I managed to compile some of the highlights of Phish’s Red Rocks career. Before we jump in and start creating new memories tomorrow night, let’s rewind and relive some old ones. While not trying to be comprehensive, these are some of the frozen moments that comprise Red Rocks past. So if you have some travel time, or just time time to kill, here is 4 1/2 hours of pure Morrison magic in “Miner’s Picks: Red Rocks Revisited.” (Note: I’ll be traveling and setting up shop in Colorado today, thus the next time you’ll hear from me will be after night one! Have a good show!)
8.20.93 SBD
1. “Run Like an Antelope” I
2,3. “2001 > Slave to the Traffic Light” II
6.11.94 SBD
4,5. “YEM > Rift” I
6. “Stash” I
7. Fluffhead II
8. “Split Open and Melt” II
6.9. – 6.10.95
9.” David Bowie” 6.9 II
10. “Slave to the Traffic Light” 6.9 II
11. “Mike’s > Hydrogen >Weekapaug” 6.10 II
12. “A Day In the Life” (debut) 6.10 E
8.4 – 8.7.96
13. “Reba” 8.4 I
14-16. “2001 > Disease > It’s Ice” 8.5 II
17,18 “The Curtain > Tweezer” 8.6 II
19. “Harry Hood” 8.6 II
20. “Runaway Jim” 8.7 II
21.” Colonel Forbin’s > Mockingbird” 8.7 II

For all of those wondering, No Spoilers is locked and loaded for this final summer run! We have all the shows on lock-down, and ironed out most of the kinks from June. Make sure to stay off computers starting tomorrow night, and get ready for Red Rocks- Night 1! The Red Rocks shows should be up fairly quickly, so stay tuned to Phish Thoughts No Spoilers– the next best thing to actually being there!

Jam of the Day:
“Tweezer > Taste” 8.17.97 I The Great Went
As we prepare for the next leg of summer, today we have a distinctly summer-time jam. The morning after a raucous first night of The Great Went, Phish brought out this laid back day-time dance session to welcome everyone back to day two. With teases of “Cities” and “Simple”- both highlights of the night before- this funked-up “Tweezer”- only the second of Summer ’97- was one of the dark horse highlights of the weekend. Utilizing their classic combination with “Taste,” this was the perfect afternoon suite.
5.1.93 Tower Theatre, Upper Darby, PA SBD < TORRENT
5.1.93 Tower Theatre, Upper Darby, PA SBD < MEGAUPLOAD

As Phish pulled back into the Northeast during the final week of their winter / spring tour of 1993, they made a two-night stop at the Tower Theatre in Philadelphia. Here we have the adventurous first night. Interestingly enough, in this “Mike’s” jam, you can hear teases of the riff that would become “Simple” the following year. Enjoy!
I: Runaway Jim, Foam, Guelah Papyrus, Split Open and Melt, Fee, Rift, Sample in a Jar, It’s Ice, Glide, David Bowie
II: Chalk Dust Torture, Fluffhead, My Friend My Friend ,The Squirming Coil, Big Ball Jam > Halley’s Comet, Paul and Silas, Mike’s Song > Great Gig in the Sky > Weekapaug Groove, Cavern
E: Carolina, Rocky Top