This weekend we have two reader requests from the well-loved summer of ’98. Only ten days apart, these Alpine and Star Lake shows saw Phish stop at two classic venues on their way up to Limestone to end the summer. Alpine’s “Tweezer” is the crowning moment of this night with one of the more beautiful versions of the late ’90s, while Star Lake saw Phish take “Runaway Jim” out for a 35-minute affair. And plenty other highlights abound in each of these stellar shows. Shout outs to Frankie and Flarrdogg for these choices.
8.1.98 Alpine Valley, East Troy, WI < Torrent
8.1.98 Alpine Valley, East Troy, WI < Megaupload

I: Ramble On*, Mike’s Song > Esther > Weekapaug Groove, Guyute, Fikus, Birds of a Feather, Lawn Boy > Funky Bitch
II: Piper, Wilson > Also Sprach Zarathustra > Magilla > Also Sprach Zarathustra > Tweezer, Fluffhead, Brian and Robert, Albuquerque, Chalk Dust Torture, Frankenstein
E: Been Caught Stealin’*, Tweezer Reprise
Source: Schoeps MK41>KC5>CMC6>SX-M2>AD1000>DAP1 @ 48kHz (FOB/BTP/DFC/ORTF)
8.11.98 Star Lake Amphitheatre Burgettstown, PA < Torrent
8.11.98 Star Lake Amphitheatre Burgettstown, PA < Megaupload

I: Trench Town Rock*, Julius, Wolfman’s Brother > Time Loves a Hero, Bittersweet Motel, Reba, The Sloth, Ginseng Sullivan, Fee, Maze, Sample in a Jar
II: Runaway Jim, Meat, Limb By Limb, When the Circus Comes, Down with Disease
E: Wilson, Golgi Apparatus
Source: Schoeps CMK4 > Sonosax > DA-P1

Jam of the Weekend:
“Tweezer” 8.15.93 II
A twenty-minute excursion from the same August ’93 show as yesterday’s “Stash.”