2.28.10 Tennessee Theatre, Knoxville, TN < Torrent
I: Push On Til The Day*, Valentine, Small Axe, Burlap Sack and Pumps, Night Speaks to a Woman, What’s Done, Cayman Review, Gotta Jiboo, Tuesday, Money Love and Change, Sultans of Swing, Kill Devil Falls@, Waste@, Strange Design@, Backwards Down The Number Line@, Chalkdust Torture@, Wilson@
II: Shine, Ether Sunday, At the Gazebo, Spin, Alaska, Mozambique, Sand, Goodbye Head > Mr. Completely, Sweet and Dandy, Black Dog
E: Moesha, First Tube
Source: Schoeps CCM4V’S(din) >Lunatec V2 >Benchmark AD2K > Sound Devices 722 (24/48)