6.27.10 Merriweather (Graham Lucas)

As tour awaits, here’s little history to get us prepared for next week…


Mango -> Free” 9.17.00 II

One of my favorite highlights from Merriweather history; some outlandish music.


Bathtub Gin” 7.10.99 I

6.25.10 (C. March)

While “Tweezer,” “Birds,” and Chalk Dust” have all drawn their due credit from Phish’s first show in Camden, this “Bathtub Gin” helped craft a stellar opening set.


Stash” 7.1.95 II SBD

A classic version from one of the final shows of Summer ’95 at Great Woods.


2001” 7.7.99 II

6.26.10 (G.Lucas)

This Charlotte set-opener, with an extended intro, gets into some a dynamic exercise in space-groove.


Piper” 8.8.98 SBD

A stellar Summer ’98 version, just as “Piper” was breaking out of its shell.


Twist -> Slave” 7.4.00 II SBD

6.26.10 (G.Lucas)

This recently released nugget from Camden has been a favorite since I walked out of the show. This new SBD allows you to hear the nuances of this dark-themed interplay in “Twist,” while the “Slave took home the 4th of July.


Reba” 9.14.2000 I

This “Darien “Reba” takes a brief dip into a dark theme before resolving back into the classic groove.


Drowned -> Rock and Roll ” 6.29.00 I

PNC – Holmdel, NJ

A classic, old-western shredfest that capped the first set at PNC 2000.

As tour awaits, here’s little history to get us prepared for next week… *** “Mango -> Free” 9.17.00 II One of my favorite highlights from Merriweather history; some outlandish music. *** “Bathtub Gin” 7.10.99 I While “Tweezer,” “Birds,” and Chalk Dust” have all drawn their due credit from Phish’s first show in Camden, this “Bathtub …

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