WOOKIPEDIA: One of the greatest facets of Phish Thoughts to me, is the community that has formed around the website. Not only have fans found new friends to help kill time virtually, but also real people with whom rage Phish with personally. The connections that have been made and friendships formed by so many people on the self-dubbed “Black Board” (the comments section of the blog) has blown me away. I have, similarly, met tons of great people through the site, and continue to do so as Phish fans’ sense of community is unparalleled. And as any good community does, they look for ways to improve things. Last week, one of the regulars on the Black Board suggested an idea for a community-based resource in the vein of Wikipedia. But surrounding Phish culture, soon, the much more appropriate name, “Wookipedia” was born. Instead of introducing it myself, I told the person who came up with the idea to write a blurb on it. And here is what Mitch had too say.
For anyone that’s familiar with the bottom half of Miner’s site, they know that there are a lot of ideas passed around on the board on any given day. Often times you’ll find great nuggets of info regarding the latest music, what food or drink spots to check on tour or how to burn a copy of your bootleg DVD. If you’re like me, you probably try and make a mental note or jot something on a scratch of paper, but the hell if I’m gonna dig through pockets on the road, ya dig? Last week, after some discussion on the “BB,” I threw together the “W00kipedia” where we can all add our knowledge so its easily accessible from anywhere. Just create an account and edit the pages as you wish. Please remember to link your newly created pages to the main page with a blurb about it so people can easily find it. Though the infrastructure is up, there are very few pages up already. This will be a resource that grows in usefulness with the more people who contribute! Enjoy. -Mitch (http://ptbb.wikia.com)
“The Venues of Summer: Volume I” Utica DVD Raffle
First off, thanks to all who contributed. With over 20 entries, the raffle came down to 15 people who named all the tracks on the compilation. The contestants who made it into the raffle were: Matt Stevens, Jeremy Renda, Jason Embry, Mark Hoyt, Soloman Hay, Chris Magnerelli, Michael Aurzada, Brian Richardson, James Emantin, Mario DiPasquale, Brian Brinkman, Randy Hope, Ross Bellenoit, Mike DesJardins, and Mitch Ladd.
And the three raffle winners—as picked by Mrs. Miner—who win a “Live In Utica” DVD/CD box set are: Matt Stevens, Mark Hoyt and Brian Brinkman!! Congrats guys—shoot me an email with your mailing address and I’ll get the packages out to you!
The tracks were:
“Birds Of A Feather -> Catapult PNC 6.29.2000
“Mike’s Song” Blossom 6.20.95
“Harry Hood” Darien Lake 8.14.97
“Reba > Carini” Great Woods 7.13.99
“It’s Ice” Riverbend 9.20.2000
“Piper -> What’s The Use?” Great Woods 9.11.2000
“Split Open and Melt > Kung > Jam” PNC 7.15.1999
Jam of the Day:
“Split Open and Melt” 6.21.94
I had never heard this beast until Kevin Shapiro dropped it as part of Live Bait 4 last week. I immediately dubbed it “the best jam I’ve never heard.”
If you’re going to a show this summer, bring your point-and-shoot cameras! As of last year these are allowed into venues, so snap away and send me your best shots! I don’t have consistent photo contributors for this upcoming tour, so it’s very likely that if you send me some shots after the show that you’ll see them on the site the next morning! You can send photos in zip files (preferred) or as individual email attachments. Let’s see your creativity all over the site the summer! If you’d like to contribute, please email your photos to mrminer@phishthoughts.com before you go to sleep after the show! Thanks! (I will always take shots the next day as well.)