TTFF: Recent Summer Highlights

7-4-2012 (George Estreich)

Tweezer” 9.3.11 II, Commerce City, CO

One of the most cathartic grooves in ages. This jam brought it all together at the first Dick’s stand.


Simple” 8.6.10 II, Berkeley, CA

A very cool, experimental jam from The Greek.


Disease -> What’s the Use?” 8.14.10 II, East Troy, WI

Perhaps the most natural transition of the modern era comes—and a fiery jam, taboot.


A Song I Heard the Ocean Sing” 7.3.11 I, Watkins Glen, NY

The lone jam from the song following SPAC ’04, immediately integrated the ambient style from the Storage Jam the night before.


Piper > Mist” 8.9.10 II, Telluride, CO

This “Piper” provided a seething centerpiece to the first night in the Rockies.


Sneakin Sally” 6.4.11, Cuyahoga Falls, OH

This funk jam goes buckwild, transcending normal territory into dissonant, robo-grooves.


Bathtub Gin” 8.7.09 II, George, WA

This “Gin” anchored a non-stop second set of this ’09 show that is still among the best of the modern era.


Twist” 6.22.12 II, Cincinatti, OH

I recently wrote an entire piece on this jam.


Waves” 6.28.12 II, Noblesville, CA

This late-set gem was the only “Waves” jam the band played last summer.


Harry Hood” 6.2.09 II, Wantagh, NY

This was the first jam in 3.0 that I legitimately bugged on. An amazingly original take on a classic tale.

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