Audio Archive’s Main Page

At long last I present to you Phish Thoughts’ Audio Archive! Now everyone has one destination to find any and all of the shows that have been posted on this site. No more using the search bar for dates, no more scrolling through posts to find that one show you missed, just head over to the archive for free unlimited downloads! When you arrive, you will find the archive organized by year. While there is a tab for each year of Phish’s career the bulk of the 325+ currently hosted shows can be found between 1991 and 2000, plus 2009. When you click on a year, you will be brought to “Year Page” that is organized by tours during that calendar year. Each show will be listed by Date, Venue, and Location. If you know what show you are looking for, go no further – there is a “DL” tab on the right side of every entry that will bring you directly to the download page. However, if you want some more information about a given show, click on the actual show title, and you will be brought to a “Show Page” with a short write-up about the show, a complete setlist with source information, and a relevant image. In many entries – particularly for the recent shows – there will be a link to my full show review and/or article about that night. At the bottom of each “Show Page,” there will be similar “DL” download button that will bring you to the download page.

“Year Page” Example

All of the shows in the archive are hosted on MegaUpload as .rar files; the same as each “Download of the Day.” Once you decompress the .rar file, you should have a folder of 320 kbps mp3s to simply drag and drop wherever you’d like. Each “Download of the Day” will be entered into the archive as it posted on the site, so you will never need to scour the main site for download links again. Henceforth, the archive will clearly grow in time, and there are still a few shows that have yet to migrate over. This is not meant to be a comprehensive place to download every Phish show ever played; simply the ones featured on Phish Thoughts. Therefore, I can almost assure you that there are no duds in the archive, and all virtually all shows have excellent audience sources. In addition, most every show is sampled at 320 kbps, assuring the best in quality and convenience.

While browsing the archive, you will notice that I have no shows featured from 2003 and 2004. This is only because I, personally, only have official SBD sources of Phish’s second chapter. These years will populate in time as I accumulate audience sources for these years. Here’s where you can help. If you have high quality 320 kbps audience sources for any post-hiatus shows, shoot me an email at, and we can get them up there even quicker! For the time being, these years represent place holders for what is to come. In addition, the ’80s have some scattered shows, but will also be populated as shows are posted to the site.

“Show Page” Example

Today marks the public debut of the archive, so there may be a few entries that lack a photo or a write-up, or in some cases – gasp –  there may even be some mistakes! If you come across anything that looks fishy, again, shoot me an email an let me know what’s you’ve found. Please do this only in the case of errors, as I will get to filling in write-ups and images in time!

I’d like to take a minute to thank some people whose efforts have helped make the Phish Thoughts Audio Archive come to fruition. First, I want to thank web designer Alexander K with whom this wouldn’t have been possible – or nearly as slick! I’d also like to thank Paul S., Marshall C., Jason C, and Steve M., for volunteering to divide and conquer all of the work in centralizing every show on MegaUpload. Their hours of uploading service to the community was invaluable in getting this entire process rolling months ago.

Head on over to the archive, check it out, and download away!

(Note: This entire project adheres to the band’s audio/web gudelines.)



Jam of the Day:

Timber Ho! > David Bowie” 7.26.97

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A devastating segment of summer darkness from Austin ’97, and the now-defunct South Park Meadows starring guest drummer Bob Gulotti.



11.19.98 LJVM Coliseum Winston-Salem, NC < Torrent

11.19.98 LJVM Coliseum Winston-Salem, NC < Megaupload

A year after blowing up Lawrence-Joel Coliseum after Hampton, during Fall ’98 Phish hit up Winston-Salem right before Hampton came alive. Though not quite as out there as ’97’s offering, “Cities,” “Curtain > Sample” provided an energetic start to the first frame which also included a dark-horse, late-set “Ghost.” “2001 > Rock and Roll > Taste” and a thick “Gumbo” held down the second, while the band dropped a “YEM” encore.”

I. Cities, The Curtain > Sample in a Jar, Ginseng Sullivan, Bouncing Around the Room, Maze, Something, Ghost, Golgi Apparatus

II: 2001 > Rock and Roll > Taste, Frankie Says, Gumbo > Chalk Dust Torture, Frankenstein, Been Caught Stealin’

E: You Enjoy Myself*

* w/ Heloise Willams on vocal jam

Source: (FOB) Schoeps MK4V > KC5 > CMC6 > Oade M118 > HHB PDR-1000

At long last I present to you Phish Thoughts’ Audio Archive! Now everyone has one destination to find any and all of the shows that have been posted on this site. No more using the search bar for dates, no more scrolling through posts to find that one show you missed, just head over to …

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