Holds have been placed on credit cards across the country, and official emails should be following sometime soon. Hang tight folks, and best of luck to all!
Jam of the Day:
The most memorable segment of Denver’s second set in the band’s follow-up to Utah’s Dark Side escapade.
2.21.03 The Crown, Cincinnati, OH < Megaupload
Today we look back on night one of the band’s two-night, post-hiatus stand at The Crown. The opening set features strong versions of “Disease” and “Antelope,” setting the stage for a throw-down second set. Coming off a standout show in Chicago, Phish really began to hit their first stride back during this Midwestern weekend.
I: Wilson, Frankenstein, Down with Disease, Lifeboy, Boogie On Reggae Woman, Run Like an Antelope, I Didn’t Know
II: Mike’s Song > Free, Waste > Also Sprach Zarathustra > Harry Hood, All of These Dreams, Possum, Cavern
E: Wading in the Velvet Sea
Source: Unknown