
Jams of the Day:
Here are two scorching and under the radar, first-set “Ghosts” from Fall ’98.
11.15.98 Murfreesboro, TN
11.19.98 Winston-Salem, NC
11.24.1998 New Haven Coliseum, New Haven, CT < Torrent
11.24.1998 New Haven Coliseum, New Haven, CT < Megaupload

Keeping in line with the musical theme of the day, this show from New Haven Coliseum during Fall ’98 features a rather large “Ghost,” as part of a powerful, set-opening “Ghost > Halley’s > Tweezer” triumvirate.
I: Down with Disease, The Moma Dance, Ginseng Sullivan, Stash, Brian and Robert, Limb By Limb, Sample in a Jar, Tela, Chalk Dust Torture
II: Ghost > Halley’s Comet > Tweezer > Possum, Wading in the Velvet Sea, Character Zero
E: Suzy Greenberg*, Tweezer Reprise
*w/ Dude of Life on vocals
Source: Schoeps CMC6/MK41 > Apogee AD1000 > Sony TCD-D8