Let’ start the week off with another dip into the primordial psychedelia of Summer ’95—the band’s most experimental tour ever.
“Mike’s Song” 6.20 II, Cuyahoga Falls, OH
This menacing version descended upon Blossom, leaving many wide-eyed fans wondering what had just happened.
“David Bowie” 6.15 II, Atlanta, GA
Another one of Summer ’95’s top-shelf “Bowies.”
“Tweezer > Gumbo” 6.28 II, Wantagh, NY
Another multi-faceted and experimental monster, featuring “Dave’s Energy Guide” and a jam on The Breeder’s “Cannonball,” from the first night at Jones Beach.
“Runaway Jim -> Makisupa” 7.2 II, Sugarbush, VT
A hard-edged and grinding jam eventually melts into “Makisupa” on the first night of Sugarbush’s summer-ending precursor to The Clifford Ball.
“Split Open and Melt” 7.1 II, Mansfield, MA
A first set joyride into seething musical realms.